How should increased housing in the village core be achieved?
-Boundary of village area was agreed upon at table
(Roughly; ferry-rcmp-clinic-tin can alley)
-Residential above commercial
-Live/work spaces
-Both rentals and ownership
-Increase commercial rental units per development permissible
-Create conditions for secondary suites
-Create conditions for permissible multi unit e.g. duplex/four plex etc.
-Density transfer tool is not functional w/out densities
-Confusion at table about why park transfers did not happen
-Suggested to do a one-time transfer of densities to start off bank
-12 densities were suggested as that is what one would get for a hectare
-The one time deposit for the density bank should be specific for affordable housing
-We need to get ahead of density, as a community, before it is upon
-The OCP mandate speaks of ‘preserving the rural character’ of the island(s).
-This needs to be defined as the rural character includes the people and their culture, not just the natural environment
How should housing be developed?
Options for Land purchase
Community owned (Land Trust)
-Purchase or
Coop owned
-Buy shares
Privately owned/Leased
-Long term
-Diversity is best for housing development
-Land Trust scenario would be ideal
-Allows young families and singles to get in the market
-Housing society or other non-profit to take lead
-Islands trust driven task force
How can the existing or potential barriers for housing be overcome?
-Island owned de-salination facility/system
-Onsite treatments
-Rainwater collection mandatory
-Environmental rules/guidelines for developers
(Ran out of time…)