Where 1 - Table notes: Village Vision Housing workshop May 21
- 1 residential per / commercial allowance is not feasible for developers
- Residential / commercial safer more economically viable
- Community space & housing located in Lockinvar Triangle in a community owned space with parking pockets (parallel parking with bumpouts- for ease of pedestrian crossing & narrowing the street) around the triangle
- Any zoning needs to be illustrated for possibilities, as words only are not complete. Examples of illustrated zoning from planners Duaney PlaterZyberk ( http://www.dpz.com/Initiatives/AgrarianUrbanism)
- Perhaps a land trust/strata rental housing mix.
- Could the commons focus on rental property? it is zoned ALR
- Builders could incorporate suites in SFR to accommodate affordability in the village area and beyond.
- What is the status of mobile home parks in the ocp?
Where 2 - Table notes: Village Vision Housing workshop May 21
- Institutional
- Commercial is zoned less than 1 acre
- Commercial zoned folklife village
- Why not more residential in the New Madrona?
- Lockinvar Triangle Commercial on both sides of the street - street calming, housing
- do we need more commercial?
Short term
· Performing Arts should be in the Village not outside.
· Sports and arts in the village - (community centre?)
Long term visioning beyond the Triangle
· We need a long term vision for 50 years and a bigger circle
- RDN, Land Trust, Municipally owned land