Discussion Questions

We have posed a series of questions to get a better idea of how we might address housing issues in our community.  You are invited to choose two of the three topics and you will have 20 minutes at each topic table to share your ideas and brainstorm with others.  Each table will have a volunteer moderator whose job is to keep the discussion on track and ensure that everyone who wants has a chance to speak.  They will also be recording notes for reporting out. 

You can identify which topic is at which table by the cards indicating either “What”, “Where” or “How”.


·       What types of housing are needed on Gabriola?

·       What types of housing would be most appropriate for the Village Core?


·       Where would you like to see changes to the status quo housing pattern, if anywhere?

·       Where would you define a Village Core boundary for allowing increased density, if anywhere?  Should it be decided on a case by case proposal basis or should zoning bylaws be revised?


·       How should increased housing in the Village core be achieved? E.g., add new densities; transfer densities from more rural parts of the island; transfer accessory cottage densities from other parts of the island; other . . .

·       How should housing be developed? E.g., existing non-profit housing society; form a cooperative; private developer/market driven; community-owned development corporation, Community Land Trust or similar vehicle; developer/non-profit partnership or public/private partnership.

·       How can the existing or potential barriers to any desired future housing patterns be overcome? E.g., bylaws, water and septic infrastructure, others?

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