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Agenda From 2nd Community Meeting and Workshop - Feb. 7th 2015

Here is the agenda from our latest meeting. If you were unable to attend, the information from the workshop, along with the speakers presentations will all be posted shortly.

We would like to send out a huge thanks to our speakers, Karin Kronstal and Sebastian Moffat, for providing us with information and inspiration. Also a big thanks to all who came and participated in the visioning process.

Village Vision Workshop #2 AGENDA


1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

February 7th, 2015

Community Hall


Session Objective: To understand the current planning context and to explore opportunities for creating a sustainable village core.

12:30     Registration

1:00        Welcome and Session Overview

1:15        How Governance and Land Use Decisions Affect the Current Design of the Village Core

                  The Governance Context – Megan Walker

                  The Impact of Land Use Bylaws on Design - Karin Kronstal, Island Trust Planner

2:00        Demographics, Carrying Capacity and Density - John Peirce

2:15        Imaginative Village Planning – Lessons from Near and Far – Sebastian Moffatt

2:45        Envisioning a Sustainable Village Core – Working groups

3:45        Next Steps


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Village Vision 2nd Meeting: Land Use in the Village Core

Our second meeting and community workshop will be held February 7, 2015 at the Community Hall from 1-4pm.

All are welcome. A children's table will be provided.

The topic is LAND USE in the VILLAGE CORE. Come and find out why things are the way they are and how that can change. As part of the plenary session, there will be two guest speakers, Karin Kronstal, Islands Trust Planner, who will speak on "Zoning in the Village Core" and Sebastian Moffatt, sustainable infrastructure and land use planner, who will speak on "Imaginative Village Planning-Lessons from Near and Far".

Speaker Biographies:

Karin Kronstal, Islands Trust Planner

Karin joined the Islands Trust in November 2014 for a nine-month term while Sonja Zupanec is on temporary assignment at the Ministry of Agriculture. Karin previously worked as a municipal planner in her hometown of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories and as an Island Planner for the Government of Grenada. She has a background in social planning and public engagement, and has worked with the Canadian Institute of Planners, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Canadian Council on Social Development. Karin holds a Masters degree in Planning from Dalhousie University and recently completed the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) certification program in Toronto.

Sebastian Moffatt, B.E.S., M.Sc., PhD

Sebastian has been the lead consultant and facilitator on many innovative strategic plans in British Columbia and across Canada. Communities such as Ganges, Bowser, Rossland and Fort St. John along with entire urban regions such as Metro Vancouver and the National Capital Region have benefited from his expertise. His home is on Salt Spring Island where he has been extensively involved in the Official Plan and the Design Advisory Panel. I

During his long career as President of a Consulting firm (Sheltair) and an Institute (CONSENSUS), Sebastian pioneered Canada’s approach both to Green Infrastructure and to Integrated Community Sustainability Planning. For the past ten years his work has taken him to urban design projects in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. He is the author of the World Bank’s best-selling book on Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities



Word Cloud Inspiration-Meeting One

Here is a fabulous and fun visual that came about from the discussions in our first meeting.

By compiling all the raw unedited notes from both the group discussion and the individual table discussions, this image was generated. It shows the most prominent themes/words from those notes and arranges them by sizes based on the amount of times they reoccured.

Word Cloud Meeting One



Meeting One Summary

Village Vision held the first meeting and workshop on September 27th, 2014.  Over 60 Gabriolans attended the meeting and the discussion, idea sharing and open communication for the future of our village core area was inspiring. 

The first part of the meeting involved everyone together and the 2nd half saw the attendees and facilitators break into groups.  Both the summary from the group discussion and the raw/unedited notes from each table discussion are attached to this blog post.

There are definitely reoccurring themes from each table, that provides some insight into what the community may be looking for. Synthesized notes of the meeting are to follow this post shortly.

The committee is thankful for the number of participants that came to share their voice and ideas for the future of the village core area. We are looking forward to our 2nd workshop in January of 2015.

A complete set of notes from the first meeting is avail be to view here:

Group Discussion/Meeting Summary

Table Discussions


Our first meeting and community workshop

Our first meeting and community workshop will be held on September 27th from 2 pm to 5 pm at the Agi Hall.

At this meeting we will discuss the purpose of the Village Vision project, and share our principles and approach to growing a grassroots community-led plan. At this workshop will gather information from participants about your individual ideas and opinions on the Village core.